2025-02-13 Fewer Jobs in the Future
There is a huge drive in the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace, it is early days yet and we all have had bad experiences talking to Bots but AI will improve and without doubt those people in unskilled jobs where they are providing customer service solutions such as receiving a call from a customer, getting information on their account and following the companies procedure on resolving their query will be at risk, at the higher job end where the skill is making a quick decision on a transaction then AI will make those decisions quicker and interpret the results faster putting those jobs at risk, jobs such as accountants filing tax returns where there is a clear process to follow then these will also be at risk.
Then if we add robotics in manufacturing and warehousing as well as driver less cars, buses, lorries, trains etc. the future of employment has to change.
The government says that AI will enhance the employees job and make it more rewarding, this is simply not true, there are no replacement jobs for unskilled workers and many skilled employees will not have transferable skills and we cannot resource such huge retraining for jobs that do not exist anyway!
It is in the interest of any organisation to minimize staff costs and they will not continue to employ people when they do not need them.
So in the future we will have much larger numbers of people who do not have a conventional job and we really need to accept this and plan on what to do with different income streams, different ways to approach citizen benefits such as Universal Basic Income.
If we plan for this now then the transition in the future will be much smoother, if we do not then there will be industrial disputes, more people in poverty and an economic global disaster.